Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Sathya SAI miracles after Samadhi

Thought of the day !

How should we celebrate the auspicious occasion of Christmas? 
Bhagawan lovingly inspires and guides us today.

God is the Eternal Power, Omnipotent, Omniscient. He is the cause and consequence - the potter, clay and the pot. Without God, there can be no Universe. He willed and the Universe happened. It is His play, the manifestation of His power. Man embodies His will, His power, His wisdom. But he is unaware of this glory. A cloud of ignorance veils the truth. God sends sages, saints and prophets to unveil the Truth and Himself appears as an Avatar (divine incarnation) to awaken and liberate him. 

Two thousand years ago, when narrow pride and thick ignorance defiled mankind, Jesus came as the embodiment of love and compassion and lived among men, holding forth the highest ideals of life. You must pay attention to the lessons he elaborated on in various stages of his life. 

'I am the Messenger of God,' he declared, first. Yes. Each individual must accept that role and live as examples of divine love and charity. This day, as we celebrate Christmas, bring to mind the words he uttered, the advice he offered, the warning he gave, and decide to direct your daily lives along the path he laid down. His words must be imprinted on your hearts, and you must resolve to practice all that he taught.

Divine Discourse Dec 24, 1980.

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Miracle Rosary on Photo Christmas 
Miracle Bag found on Bhagwan's chair December 31, 2024.
Sari, Pendants and Bangles found in bag.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Shakti Nilayam - South Africa

Thought of the day !

How did the One Supreme become all this diversity that we perceive? 
Bhagawan reveals how the sages of yore introspected and understood this truth.

By their penance, meditation and intuition, ancient sages recognised two things: One is Akshara (the alphabet) and the other is Sankhya (numbers). In the alphabet, the primal letter is 'Om'. All other letters have emerged from the Pranava (Om). 'Om' is the first letter among all letters. It comprehends within itself all other letters of the alphabet. During bhajans, when the harmonium is played, the bellows are pressed and the reeds are manipulated, we have the musical notes, 'Sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, da, ni'. 

What is the source of these seven notes? It is the same air that produces the notes. That air is filled with Omkara. And it is that 'Om' which produces the separate notes. Likewise, among numbers, we start with one and go to nine, ten, etc... In all the numbers, 'one' is the primary number. All the other numbers are multiple variations of one. If you take away one from nine you have eight. If you add one to eight, it becomes nine. What comes and goes is one alone. What remains is also one. From this, the sages inferred that the beginning and the end are One, which is the Divine. They declared that this One is the beejam (seed) of the cosmos.

Divine Discourse, Jul 12, 1988.

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Birthday miracles 2024 
Shakti Nilayam - South Africa

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sathya SAI Birthday Miracale

Thought of the day !

Extension 4 Sai Centre
Lenasia South 
South Africa

Aum Sai Ram
Birthday Miracle

The devotees were cleaning the Mandir
Young devotee asks a senior devotee, have you ever sat on Bhagwan's chair
Devotee replied the chair is reserved for Bhagwan
He is seated permanently on the chair (omnipresent)
Young devotee asks do you know if it's comfortable
Devotee replied the chair is here for 34 years

To their pleasant surprise, a photograph materialized years ago in the Mandir, placed in the Altar, was found on the chair the following morning.

Many years ago, water oozed from the chair.
Miracles are evidence of the divine.

Happy birthday
Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Miracle Photo              November 19, 2024
Vibuti Materialization  November 20, 2024 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Happy birthday Bhagwan/ Akhanda Bhajan

Thought of the day !

The Sai Legacy born from the womb of Dharma.

Love all Serve All, saturates our planet with Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram. The nectar for universal harmony.

Happy birthday Bhagwan 
Koti Koti na Pranams at your divine lotus feet 🙏

Vishva Shanti - Vishva Kalyan 

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Rose for SAI 
Let your love flow through me incessantly

Thought of the day !

Sri Sathya Sai Baba was born with two marks : 

One his chest (vesture) and on his one thigh. The marks resemble and eagle. According to the theory of avatara, a mark of this kind of the chest is the hallmark of an avatara. To have two such marks distinguish a purna (full) avatara, as we have in Sai Baba, from the rest. That is why revelation 19 names the possessor of those marks as the " King of Kings" and Lord of Lords - a purna avatara

Victor Kanu - 1981 
Book - God Incarnate 
page 4

Thought of the day ! 
Akhanda Bhajans

As we immerse ourselves in the Global Akhanda Bhajan, Bhagawan reminds us how the simple Sadhana of singing can be transformed into a liberating penance.

The word Nama has great significance numerologically. 'Na' is equal to zero. 'A' is equal to two and 'Ma' equals five, the total being seven, indicating that the Nama Sankirtanam needs seven elements for success: Shruti, Laya, Raga, Tala, Bhava, Prema, Samhita. Seven cannotes the seven swaras, the seven sages, the seven days of the week known as the sacred Saptaha. Sankirtanam must be done with emphasis on tone, timing, tune, rhythm, attitude, love, and the attainment of the highest good. It is not singing for singing's sake. 

The melody must emerge from the heart, must be saturated with genuine feeling, should be soaked in love, and must make you forget yourself, then it is a tapas or penance. Sankirtanam of such kind will save not just the individual but will save the entire world. Embodiments of love! Even if you are unable to do meditation, recitation, yoga, or yajna, engage yourself in singing the Name of God. From a simple person (pamara) to an awakened one (Paramahamsa), Namasankirtana can be taken up.

Divine Discourse, Jan 26, 1982

Thursday, October 3, 2024



Thought of the day !

The field on which the battle was fought was called Dharmakshetra, for historically it was a sacred place where sacrifices and other sacred and auspicious acts had been performed. At the same time, historically, it was also the place where the wicked offsprings of Kuru, the dynastic family of the Kauravas had lived; therefore, it was called Kurukshetra. When a body is born is pure and unblemished... A body not affected by any of the Gunas is Dharmakshetra.

As the body grows, it goes on collecting different types of bad qualities like jealousy, hatred attachments and so on. When all these things develop in the body, it becomes Kurukshetra. Good and bad are both encased in your heart... The war between the Pandavas and Kauravas did not last for a long time, but the war between the forces of good and evil continue throughout your life; it has no end. This battle is fought on the field of Dharma. Entering the field of Dharmakshetra, there should be a transformation in your nature; that is the significance of the battle.

Message of the Lord
As a practical philosophy
Based on the Bhagwad Gita and the Teachings of Sri Sathya SAI Baba
Page 6 

Vishva Shanti - Vishva Kalyan

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Shirdi Wale

Sunday, September 8, 2024


 Thought of the day !

What is the nature of true love and how must it manifest in our lives? 
Bhagawan lovingly inspires us today. 
Divine Discourse, Apr 04, 1975.

When you win the Love of God, His compassion will flow unto you. Love gives and forgives. Ego gets and forgets. When your son steals some money from the house, you do not hand him over to the police; but, when your servant steals a spoon, you have no such qualms. For, you have no love for the servant. Live without hating others, condemning others, and seeking faults in others. Vyasa, who wrote eighteen voluminous Puranas summarized all the Puranas in one single line of a small couplet: 

"Doing good to others is the only meritorious act; doing evil is the most heinous sin." When you feel you cannot do good, at least desist from doing evil. That itself is a meritorious service! Do not try to discover differences; discover unity. Understand that the purpose of life is to know the Embodiment of Love, namely, God, through love, and demonstrate through your own Love that you have known Him.

Vishva Shanti - Vishva Kalyan

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Supreme Grace

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sathya SAI miracle China

Thought of the Day !

The event described below resonate a human fascination with science and superstition. Throughout history, various cultures have reported miracles, challenging our conventional understanding of reality. 

In 2010, a remarkable phenomenon unfolded in China. Sai's divine manifestation speaking through a photograph. This extraordinary event echoes the wisdom of esteemed Jewish philosophers, Saadia Gaon 10th century and Moses Maimonides 12th century, wonders are evidence of the divine. 

Miracles, whether viewed as divine interventions or the unexplained phenomena, continue to be a source of fascination and the enduring human quest for meaning beyond the material world.

Sathya Sai Baba's sublime energy and legacy defy the laws of space, time and computation of matter. As I gaze upon the expanse of existence - I am reminded Sai's omnipresence permeates every fiber of our being, guiding us toward and enlightened future.

Happy Krishna Janmashtami
Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Shirdi SAI
Video Clip upload from YouTube

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sathya SAI miracles after death

Thought of the day !

Miraculous message
July 2024
Shakti Nilayam - Extension 4 - Lenasia
South Africa

I am the unseen foundation which your life is built on. I am the Source, Sustenance and Strength. Without my will no leaf can turn, no blade of grass can quiver, what firmer foundation can I and you desire then this. Once you know that Swami is omnipotent power. I am the man spring of your life there will be no fear.

When you suspect the strength in the house of G+d, you are afraid to enter it. When you suspect the skill of the manufacturer you are nervous to ride the car.

Bhishma and other bhaktas, as well as sankaras and janis, knew Swami is the adhara so they had no fear at all. But faith has not taken root in men today, so this has become and age of fear and ashanthi


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Miraculous Photographs
Sai devotees South Africa - Seva to Mother Earth
Planting 5008 mini Spekboom Trees in commemoration of Guru Purnima and in aid of the Prema Tharu Program.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Guru Purnim

Thought of the day !

Aum SAI Ram 

Sathya SAI Baba - Man of Miracles

The Legacy : 
A treasure with a global resonance that panorama Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram

Guru Brahma - Guru Vishnu - Guru Devo Maheshwara

My chance intersection with Sai's poetry in 1970 sparked an insatiable interest in his literature. The man with the Afro infused a deep spiritual connection in me, becoming my Rock Star of the seventies. I seen him at close proximity in 1985, my intuitive mind urged me to explore his teachings

A single encounter with poetry influences my perception and shape one's interest in the esoteric sai-ence. Sai's doctrine harness and harvest sequential information of enlightenment.

In the realm of Baba's miracles, the impossible becomes possible, and the boundaries of human limitations are transcended. His divine grace nourishes hearts and guides one towards inner peace.

There is no empirical evidence for 2000 years; any human had the capacity to materialize Vibuti, covering the earth's geographical location during his birth, besides Sathya SAI. He transcended the laws of space and time. Whether viewed through the lens of faith or skepticism, the chronicles surrounding Vibuti materialization, invite contemplation on spirituality, that lie beyond the grasp of current scientific understanding

Sai's miracles continue in the absence of his physical form.
Amazing phenomena !

Sathya SAI visited East Africa 1968 at the request of Dr. C.G. Patel of Kampala and popped in at late Dr. D. Gadia's home. Bhagwan told the Indian community of Kampala leave this country within a year, go anywhere in the world, I will see to your well-being. In 1972 late Idi Amin expelled the Indian community.

Sathya Sai travel to Rishikesh - Swami Sivananda Ashram 1957, materialized a bag full of money for Swamiji.

Sathya SAI journeyed to Somnath Saurashtra May 17 1970, materialized a shaligram infused in the Shivling. Gujarat began to grow exponentially.

Rang Avaduth Bapji of Nareshwar and Pujya Shri Mota of Hari OM Ashram Surat acknowledge Sai as and Avataric Purusha. Devaraha Baba of Vrindavan proclaimed he is Para Brahma incarnate. Swami Samartha foundation and Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi acknowledge him as the Supreme Being.

Prime Minister Modi visited SAI on innumerable occasions - attended his maha samadhi 2011

Sanatanis you are the Alpha and Omega, integrate a fragmented humanity with Gyan Vidya and Sai dharma.

Vishva Shanti - Vishva Kalyan
Koti Koti na Pranams at your divine lotus feet.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !
Happy Guru Purnim


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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sathya SAI miracles after death

Thought of the day !

How do we win the battle of life where duties and desires are mostly and frequently conflicting? Bhagwan lovingly encourages, guides and motivates us today.

Keep your parents free from worry; show them the gratitude they deserve; return them the Love they pour freely into your hearts. Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant, but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial. Not all that is pleasant is profitable. Success comes to those who give up the path strewn with roses and brave the hammer blows and sword thrusts of the path fraught with danger. 

As a matter of fact, no road is strewn with rose petals. Life is a battlefield, a Dharma-kshetra, where duties and desires are always in conflict. Smother the fiery fumes of desire, of hatred and anger that rise up in your hearts; it is sheer cowardice to yield to these enemies that turn you into beasts. When obstacles come, meet them with courage. They harden you and make you tough.

Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1965

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Bhagwan Miraculous photographs - Benoni Sai Centre - South Africa 
Sister Vanessa doing Aarti May 16, 2024, Lingam capture mobile 
Sister Sylvie part of the World Prema Tharu Program planting trees. Miraculous ray capture on hands Sister Kasanthree rays over trees. May 25, 2024

Sathya SAI miracles after death 

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 Thought of the day !

Extension 4 Sai Centre 
Lenasia South
South Africa

Aum SAI Ram 
On the eve of Mother Easwaramma celebrations - Bhagwan materialize a photograph on his padukas

Miracles is the identity of the divine, reminding us of the supernatural working in our lives. They are the unexpected moments of awe and grace, leaving us breathless and grateful. Marvels have the power to transform our lives, restore hope, and deepen our faith.

We are segments of the divine, called to spread love and joy in the world. By embracing the celestial, we become the wonders and change the environment around us.

Miracles removes the veil between heaven and earth, and we catch a glimpse of the eternal.

Easwaramma the revered mother left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals. Her love, compassion, and devotion continue to inspire devotees. Her legacy a testament to the transformative power of maternal love and the influence one person can have on the world.

Her heart was a boundless ocean of compassion and continue to nourish our souls.

Blessed Easwaramma Celebrations

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Miracle Photograph

Thought of the day !

The celebration of Easwaramma day is the culmination of penance, piety and perseverance. Preserving the light of Dharma born from the womb of Karuna.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Bhagwan and the divine Mum

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Prof. Anil Kumar

 Thought of the day !

Professor Anil Kumar

In the tapestry of life, every individual thread has its unique significance, weaving patterns of influence and inspiration. Prof. Anil Kumar's journey of Dharma and Karma is embedded in lily white compassion and blue-ribbon humour. He footprints the Sai Kulwant Hall with Sai Sadhna and Sai Prema.

His literary and poetic contributions are not merely words; they are the strands that bind the fabric of Sai cohesion. 

Bhagwan constantly planned designed and carved His devotees over seven decades to serve. He created iconic figures - Prof. A Kumar, Professor Kasturi, Phyllis Krystal, Victor Kanu a star-studded cast of men and women. Through these individuals He made others interested in building bridges in the Human race

Bhagwan says all are integral parts of the omnipresent reality in which we are inseparably connected, from which all emanate, and we return to the same source. To recognize we are vibrations of this sacred essence demands a sense of freedom from the narrow precepts of our own mind.

Babas's project was to open the SKY for mankind, give them confidence to fulfil their odyssey in His presence or omnipresence. Prof. Anil Kumar stencils his art in Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram.

As we honour his legacy and cherish his memory, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all existence and the enduring power of a life lived in service to higher ideals.

May his stunningly beautiful Atma sojourn on to Sathya Loka 
The plane of primal vibrations Aum Kara OM

Asota Ma Sadgamaya 
Aum Bhur Bhuva Swaha

Heartfelt condolences to his loved ones

With love 

Photograph Insert

Prof. Anil Kumar

Monday, April 1, 2024

World Paradox


Thought of the day !

What is the unfortunate plight of the modern world and how can it be fixed? Bhagawan lovingly guides us today.

A curious paradox is now gaining force in this land: it is fraught with dire consequences. Though the world has become a very small globe, as a result of fast means of communication and transport, man has not yet learnt the art of living together in close proximity, as brothers, as children of the One God. The closer men are brought, the larger the differences appear! Thus, the little world is now riddled with problems of conflicting cultures, competing creeds and contesting ambitions. 

The sorrows of one state spread fast into all its neighbours and infect the whole world. The world has become one vast battlefield. When infectious diseases leap over boundaries, and slay men without distinction, immediate steps are taken to control the havoc and relief is dispatched in haste to the scene of disaster. But the infection of greed and hate cannot be held in check so quickly by any Government. Let us try to answer the question - "What kind of Government is the best?" The answer is: "That Government is best, which helps us to govern ourselves." Make your Conscience the ruler, do not depend on the external ruler.

Divine Discourse, May 13, 1970.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Maha Shivratri - Sathya Sai Miracles after Samadhi

 Thought of the day !  

A daily message of inspiration is delivered to you, inviting you to awaken to the truth, where you and I are one. In this state, the boundaries between individual existence and the cosmic whole dissolve, revealing a deep understanding, not only of our true selves, but the entire universe and creation.

When you surrender totally you are preparing your way. Don't obscure the path leading upwards and remain rooted in the horizontal plane, going nowhere, except it gives you an opportunity to experience different kinds of wilderness. 

Awaken, open your hearts to knowledge what I tell you is truth.

September 19, 2018 (Miracle message, Shakti Nilayam - South Africa)

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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sanathan Dharma

Thought of the day !

Sanathan dharma is the cardinal principle of truth governing the cosmos and human life. The word Sanatana is born from the womb of Sanskrit, meaning eternal law of righteousness. It is not a religion, but a system of motivating values, living in harmony with the natural order of the universe. The philosophy teaches all beings are connected by the flame of the cosmic axis - Atma.

We are not bounded by religious dogma or ancient texts; we are the staircase for enlightenment and reservoir for goodness and greatness. We are free to think and act according to the optic of evolution. We are a force at the center of the earth's gravity and building blocks for global symmetry.

Gandhi spoke about his belief that God transcends all human-made distinctions of religion. He said, "God does not have a religion. He is not Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Buddhist. He is beyond all names and forms. He is the source of all existence and the essence of all love." Gandhi's vision of God was universal and inclusive, and advocated peace and harmony among people of different faiths.

Hinduism is diverse and a dynamic tradition encompassing various forms of worship and devotion. Depending on historical and cultural context, one may encounter different aspects of belief and practice. One expression is the concept of a family deity, or a specific manifestation of God, revered by a particular lineage or community. Family deities are often associated with Indian art, culture, sculpture, dance, and music. They tapestry Hindu eloquence into spiritual aesthetics.

Hindus do not participate in debates with other faiths, we have a dialogue. We don't have to proof anything to anybody, neither do we promote disharmony in public platforms. In the language of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, immaculate silence is the best teacher.

Sanatani's duty, imprint cool karma in the clouded corner of the earth's heart, with bountiful blessings. Tell your friends and the world join us and live in celebration.

We are not confine to subjective theology, we circulate objective thinking, in an endless stream of knowledge !

Bhagwad Gita compass our divinity.

Gita ventilates the science of the soul, mastery of breath and command of the senses. These three disciplines oxygenate Brahman, satellite for Aum, the primal sound of creation.

Man is G+d and G-d is Man.

Hare Rama Hare Krishna


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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ram Aayenge

Food for thought !

Sathya SAI mandir South Africa
Shakti Nilayam
Ext 4 Lenasia South

The Mandir, a sacred sanctuary built 34 years ago, stands as a testament to the divine presence of Bhagwan. Today, we commemorate the inauguration of this marvel that's witness extraordinary miracles beyond the realm of science.

One particular wonder that continues to captivate devotees is the manifestation of miraculous messages in a blank book left at Sathya SAI Baba's feet. Since September 2007, these messages appear in none other than Sathya SAI Baba's own handwriting. It is awe-inspiring to witness these divine communiques written by the very hand of Bhagwan.

What adds an element of mystique to this phenomenon, occasionally these messages are written not with the black pen placed in the book but with a red pen. Such occurrences only serve to deepen our belief in and connection with the divine powers at play within this sacred space.

As we stand on the eve of Ayodhya, we are humbled by, yet another message penned within this extraordinary book. The significance and wisdom contained within these words remind us of all of our spiritual journey and reaffirm our faith in Bhagwan's presence among us.

In conclusion, let's marvel at the incredible wonders that unfold within this sanctified Mandir. 

The following message pen in the book on the Eve of Ayodhya.


Thought of the day !

Rama is the name that is sweeter than all the sweet things in nature. It never cloys the tongue or the mind. It has vast mysterious mystic potentialities to elevate man. So, one must endeavor to keep the mind ever dwelling on the story of Ramayana, another version of the Vedas.

In fact, it is said the Vedas incarnated as the Ramayana, in order to help Man in the destruction of evil and revival of righteous living. The task which the lord took upon himself, during his sojourn on earth as Rama.

Rama followed Sathya, recitation of Ramayana verses or listening to the exposition must transform a person into and embodiment of dharma. His every word, deed and thought must exemplify that idea, shraddha steady faith in Rama and oneself, is essential for success, to become good and help others to unfold their goodness.

Sathya SAI Baba is omnipresent !

January 21, 2024
South Africa

Thought of the day !

Ram Aayenge

The light of Dharma radiates from Ayodhya to Lanka and South Africa, covering the earth's geographical location. Truth and Peace are the pillars of this action, flourishing through the annals of history.

Sanathan Dharma guides humanity to embrace life as "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," The world is one family, God is one. Great histories are pen by few individuals, P.M. Narendra Modi's unwavering resolve, ushers in a shift in consciousness in the Indian Subcontinent, legislating Yoga at United Nations, during his tenure.

A truly adorable narrative to write in the passage of time. 

Sanatani's have the power to touch the hearts of humanity, who are longing for peace and happiness. By sharing our experiences, insights and wisdom, we can help them embark on the inward journey of self-discovery. We are a source of light and joy for those who are thirsty for award-winning Love, the signature of ahimsa.

We can spread the wisdom of Vedanta generously with our fellow human beings. The fertile aesthetics of motivating values, spiritual concepts, concerning source of nature and human knowledge. We hold the key to love and fear, let this January unlock a marvelous history of Ram Rajya.

Vintage India awakens by Ram Aayenge a marginal culture becoming mainstream. Let's upholster the planet with our sculpture, arts, music and dance a renaissance for social cohesion.

In the words of Swami Chimayananda the fall of Men commence from Ayodhya to Lanka, to the present condition of the world.

May this January birth an exciting Yuga?

Hare Rama Hare Krishna


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Shri Narendra Modi (P.M. India)
P. M - Visited Prashanti Jan 16, 2024, for blessings and guidance for inauguration of Ayodhya                                  

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Sathya SAI dharma


Thought of the day !

You have the power to touch the hearts of many souls who are longing for peace and happiness. By sharing your experiences, insights and wisdom, you can help them discover the path of Sai. You are a source of light and joy for those who are thirsty for Love.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Shirdi Wale