Thursday, February 27, 2025

Shivratri Miracle

 Thought of the day !

Sathya SAI Shivratri Miracle @ 
Shakti Nilayam 
Lenasia South
South Africa

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Shakti Nilayam is the ambience for consecrated values of dharma. The antenna for stainless love for 35 years. In shared ideals we rise and become the Jyothi for humanity. SAI teachings embody Sathya the rose of Karuna.

The mandir a testament to Bhakti, reinforcing - Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu. The jewel of Bhavna and Bhajan the Bhojan for Atma Vidya.

True enlightenment is anchored in Seva, Shraddha and Saburi. The summer showers of Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram. Sai's miracles after Samadhi are Vishva Swarupa darshan, footprints of Teja.

The story :

The devotee of the Mandir went to the local store to purchase milk and sour milk for the evening's Abhishekam. Unfortunately, the items were sold out. He returned disappointed, knowing he would have to travel to a store much further.

Seated in the Mandir, he noticed two bottles on the altar—milk and sour milk. He inquired from two other devotees who had placed the bottles there, but nobody knew. The strange phenomenon took another twist: the milk bottle turned a shade of deep pink. During the evening's Abhishekam, they could hear something rattling inside the bottle. When they cut open the plastic bottle, they were surprised and blessed to find these stunningly beautiful Lingams.

The milk bottle turning Pink epitomize the Aura of stain-less Love.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

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Miracle Lingams

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sathya SAI chair miracle


Thought of the day !

Sathya SAI miracle
Shakti Nilayam
Lenasia South
South Africa

Sathya SAI miracles after death

The cosmos is an expression of divine love. Every organism is on a journey in the universe. We all have diverse stories to share. Every story for me is a revelation, not every tale maybe written, yet its contribution completes the mystical mosaic of creation and dissolution

The Mandir is dedicated to the supernatural for 35 years, miracles have always been there, depends on what we want to believe, contest between science and superstition.

Every wonder has a chord, every Truth and octave; by sharing we add our voices to the symphony. Miracles amplify the choir of the Sai devotee.

A devotee was seated in front of Bhagwans chair covered with Shirdi Sai's shawl. Devotee asks Bhagwan, show me you are omnipresent. In a flash, devotee notice a ball of light on the chair, photographs three times with mobile capturing Sathya SAI'S image.

Interesting the chair is covered with a Shirdi Sai's Shawl. The center portion is replaced with Bhagwans image in the miraculous photo. The parasol is tilted with Bhagwans Image, and the back rest of chair is much higher. The contrast of the shawl is startling.

May SAI be your twinkle twinkle little star, garland you with Atma Vidya 
Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


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Miracle Photo

Monday, February 3, 2025

Shiv Yogi Maharaj


Thought of the day !

Why is it meaningless to develop hatred for other faiths and religions? 
Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Persons, unaware of the Omnipresence of God, develop antagonisms among themselves based upon religion, caste and race. All religions have accepted the timelessness and the Omnipresence of God. So, it is strange that even those who accept this truth display such narrowness of mind. For, hatred between people professing different religions leads ultimately to the destruction of faith in religion itself. 

Those who are bent upon destroying religion must be utterly thoughtless. What has to be destroyed is religious bigotry, not religion itself. To despise other people's religion out of love for one's own religion is like demonstrating one's love for one's mother by denigrating the mothers of others. One should realize that other people have the same regard and devotion for their faiths, as one has for one's own religion. Youngsters of today should, while cultivating attachment to their own religion, respect the beliefs and practices of all others.

Divine Discourse, Jul 24, 1983. 
Sathya SAI

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Bhagwan Shiv Yogi MaharajStory of Shiv Yogi Maharaj 
By brother Arvind BalaSubramanya @