Thought of the day !
The Embodiment of Yoga-Swarup !
The Embodiment of Yoga-Swarup !
Mataji demonstrates extraordinary talents with the flexibility and elasticity of her body.
Many speak of Yoga, Many speak of Breath, Many speak of Kundalini Dhyan and Many speak of Billions of Dollars, my extensive research on these subjects, reminds me of the old proverb, being vocal in the spiritual and material bazaar is a low-cost commodity !
The Aquarian age is a testimony spirituality and yoga has become a subservient to colorless enthuiast !
Amidst the decline a subject that's precious to my Heart from my previous birth. Mataji's rays conveys hope to a tradition that's been evaporating with the stormy seas of time.
Extraordinary shakti channeling in the disciplines of Yoga Reiki and Healing.
Siddha Yoga - the path towards liberation and perfection. It is a mystical yoga technique, which brings about final perfection in the realization of Truth (God). The more one practices, the more one recognizes that our body is so peculiarly constructed as to contain chakras (psycho-energy centers). These can be stimulated by this unique blend of yoga and can awaken one’s higher spiritual facilities within.
The Guru, according to Siddha tradition, is an “authoritarian” of spiritual experience. A Guru alone is capable to unblock the stumbling blocks of ego and its self-made delusions. The ego enslaves the will and binds consciousness to the limited form. The vacillating state of consciousness renders man blind to the perception of ‘Truth’.
Many speak of Yoga, Many speak of Breath, Many speak of Kundalini Dhyan and Many speak of Billions of Dollars, my extensive research on these subjects, reminds me of the old proverb, being vocal in the spiritual and material bazaar is a low-cost commodity !
The Aquarian age is a testimony spirituality and yoga has become a subservient to colorless enthuiast !
Amidst the decline a subject that's precious to my Heart from my previous birth. Mataji's rays conveys hope to a tradition that's been evaporating with the stormy seas of time.
Extraordinary shakti channeling in the disciplines of Yoga Reiki and Healing.
Siddha Yoga - the path towards liberation and perfection. It is a mystical yoga technique, which brings about final perfection in the realization of Truth (God). The more one practices, the more one recognizes that our body is so peculiarly constructed as to contain chakras (psycho-energy centers). These can be stimulated by this unique blend of yoga and can awaken one’s higher spiritual facilities within.
The Guru, according to Siddha tradition, is an “authoritarian” of spiritual experience. A Guru alone is capable to unblock the stumbling blocks of ego and its self-made delusions. The ego enslaves the will and binds consciousness to the limited form. The vacillating state of consciousness renders man blind to the perception of ‘Truth’.
The consciousness of Guru is eternal ever wakeful, ever attuned, and an uninterrupted. Guru is the preceptor, the awakened the bestower of liberation. Abjuring one’s ego one realizes the greatness of the Guru. With the grace and guidance of Guru, the aspirant or student, while practicing Yoga, reaches where the nectar is being secreted. When one drinks it, one’s whole being will be activated with good fortune – youth, beauty, patience and good health.
Many miracles are reported of healing in the presence of Amma.
I have met a few Spiritual evolved being’s -- Amma compliments these prodigious souls.
Thought of the day !
May Amma’s light, light your light :-)
Photographs insert :
Courtesy - Girija Mata
Paragraphs 6 Siddha Yoga,7 and 8 courtesy of Ashram devotee
Paragraphs 6 Siddha Yoga,7 and 8 courtesy of Ashram devotee