My Darshan of Mahatma Adhikari Maharaj.
The name Ayodya is synonymous with the families Maharaj Janak parent of Divine Mother Sita and Maharaj Dashrath, Father of Avatar Ram
Ayodya is home to the tapasya of Adhikari Maharaj this humble splendid soul, Karma Yogi and Atma Gyani.
This article courtesy of devotee.(I have toned the original script)
Maharaja one of India’s great contemporary yogis. His mother died when he was 3 and his father when he was 5 years old. He was a wondering child.
He went to Ayodya as a child obtains Guru mantra in the Ramanandacharya Lineage, at a tender age. He went on to the Himalayas as a child attains enlightenment in His youth.
His favorite deity Lord Rama.When He was submerged in enlightenment He discovered no distinction between Him and Rama and Ant or a blade of grass. When in the Himalayas He spends a year with Bhrama Rishi Devara Baba and finally was appointed Head of the Nirmohi Akhanda,one of the seven of India’s oldest spiritual tradition. This was about 50 years ago.
In the beginning Maharaja was alone in the ashram always God intoxicated unable to control the tears of love. Gradually word spread around of the great PremaYogi and the villages gathered around Him. Soon people were guided from near and far in dreams and were directed to Maharaja for Darshan.The ashram has since grown however Maharaji has never lost touch with reality to speak to devotees individually. Maharaj remains available to all.
“ His motto feed the hungry and help the poor”
Maharaji like some of the Mahatmas I have met delivers and overwhelming presence of peace, many wild animals would come and sit next to Him. Miraculous healing is a regular affair in Maharajis presence and many of his devotees have become self-realized.
When devotees sing His praises He exclaims it is the work of Rama.
Maharajis sadhana is watery so He sits next to a dhuni one of the few that could be burning for several centuries.
Thought of the day !
Seek God and perhaps with some difficulty you may find Him.Seek the DEVIL and He appears instantly !
The name Ayodya is synonymous with the families Maharaj Janak parent of Divine Mother Sita and Maharaj Dashrath, Father of Avatar Ram
Ayodya is home to the tapasya of Adhikari Maharaj this humble splendid soul, Karma Yogi and Atma Gyani.
This article courtesy of devotee.(I have toned the original script)
Maharaja one of India’s great contemporary yogis. His mother died when he was 3 and his father when he was 5 years old. He was a wondering child.
He went to Ayodya as a child obtains Guru mantra in the Ramanandacharya Lineage, at a tender age. He went on to the Himalayas as a child attains enlightenment in His youth.
His favorite deity Lord Rama.When He was submerged in enlightenment He discovered no distinction between Him and Rama and Ant or a blade of grass. When in the Himalayas He spends a year with Bhrama Rishi Devara Baba and finally was appointed Head of the Nirmohi Akhanda,one of the seven of India’s oldest spiritual tradition. This was about 50 years ago.
In the beginning Maharaja was alone in the ashram always God intoxicated unable to control the tears of love. Gradually word spread around of the great PremaYogi and the villages gathered around Him. Soon people were guided from near and far in dreams and were directed to Maharaja for Darshan.The ashram has since grown however Maharaji has never lost touch with reality to speak to devotees individually. Maharaj remains available to all.
“ His motto feed the hungry and help the poor”
Maharaji like some of the Mahatmas I have met delivers and overwhelming presence of peace, many wild animals would come and sit next to Him. Miraculous healing is a regular affair in Maharajis presence and many of his devotees have become self-realized.
When devotees sing His praises He exclaims it is the work of Rama.
Maharajis sadhana is watery so He sits next to a dhuni one of the few that could be burning for several centuries.
Thought of the day !
Seek God and perhaps with some difficulty you may find Him.Seek the DEVIL and He appears instantly !