Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sathya and Shirdi SAI miracle photographs

Thought of the day !

Miracle Photograph of Bhagwan SAI appearing in Havan Kund a week before His samadhi.

Shirdi SAI omnipresence in havan kund. The miracle photograph was taken a day after the Havan.

The story -- on the day of the havan a devotee noticed Bhagwan standing in the Kund but was not certain if He was hallucinating. The devotee named DC went the following day to the mandir to share His experience with Mumsie a Seva-DAL of the mandir. They decided to photograph the havan kund Lo and Behold  Shirdi appearing !

Shakti Nilayam is well known for chamatkars. Perhaps I should say the Theater where the Lord of the Universe display inconceivable creativity, to the delight of the devotees.

Hai Mere Nath  Mein Aapko Bhuloon Nahi.

Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Bhagwan Baba Ki Jai Jai Kara !


Photograph Insert:

Sathya SAI miracle photo, courtesy of Bob former President of Ext. 4
Shirdi SAI photo courtesy Mumsie