Saturday, December 7, 2013


Thought of the day !

A tribute to Love - Mahatma Mandela.
1918 - 2013

Every epoch in world history, the human race produces an ordinary life, that colour's and extraordinary picture of righteousness. Robben island and the theology of oppression would shape the history of freedom. Mandela signatures his star studded work to that page. A world in morning magnetised by his charisma piety and patience.

Mandela magic began from Qunu concludes with brilliance in human perseverance. He ushers in and era of forgiveness humility and truth, embellishing existing human values. His life demonstrates to mankind, those that were enthusiastic to promote conflict, to deliver peace, there is an alternative.

His life resonates an Aura of extraordinary serenity galvanising human affection not witness in human history. His simplicity defines his greatness.  A comrade to the Nation and a Father to Mankind.

A glowing soul steady as table mountain. Nelson was the epitome of selflessness and loyalty. His graceful Aura impregnates the world with Ubuntu.

The world of politics was your auditorium a destiny that pattern your Spirit's History. HE ascends from Prisoner to President rising to a Global Iconic personality.

Madiba you will be embedded in my heart, cherished in our Freedom, nurtured in our Democracy, your attributes will be emulated for generations to come.

A life fulfilled triumphantly.
Knock Knock on Heaven's door.

With Love,

Picture Insert:

Bhagwan - Nelson come with me I have build a stairway for you !
Mahatma Mandela
Three Gentle Giants of recent history.



Sunday, December 1, 2013


Thought of the day !

The passage of time certain individuals would impress and indelible imprint in your memory. Their angelic identity may shape your destiny, accomplishment and failures.

Shivabalayogi, South India’s gentle Giant of illumination was a compelling force in influencing my thinking. His Tapas was a delicacy for mother earth’s sustenance !

He acknowledged Sathya SAI Baba as the Purna Avatara.

Article courtesy of  Shivabalayogi Ashram

Adivarapupeta is where Shivabalayogi was born, where he attained enlightenment and sat in tapas for twelve years, and the site of his first ashram. After he attained mahasamadhi in 1994, his physical body was interred in the Samadhi at his ashram in Adivarapupeta. Those who seek the blessings of being in the master’s physical presence can have that darshan at the Samadhi.

Adivarapupeta is a small village nestled in the lush, rice paddy country of the Godavari River delta. It consists of the houses of mostly weavers who weave cotton sarees and men’s dhoties on handlooms. The village has no shops and no businesses other than weaving. It is a peaceful and beautiful place by nature.

Shortly after he completed tapas, Shivabalayogi consecrated a Shiva linga and a statue of Parvati Devi in the dhyana mandir. Another, small ashram building was constructed for Shri Swamiji’s living quarters, a place where he would give public darshan, and some other rooms for the ashram use. That darshan room is now the samadhi, and to this day, his living quarters are kept set aside for his exclusive use and food is offered to him there daily.

On March 19th, 1994, about two weeks before his mahasamadhi, Shivabalayogi consecrated the foundation for a new temple to replace the dhyana mandir. It measures 86 feet long and 46 feet wide with a 45 foot high dome. The ashram trust also constructed a large, three story, modern building with eighteen guest rooms each with its own bathroom plus a dining hall, offices, living quarters for caretakers, and store rooms.

Work has begun to dismantle the old ashram building to construct a new and large building to protect the Samadhi and provide a place for meditation and worship.

All this was made possible and accomplished through the continuous guidance and specific directions of Shivabalayogi since the mahasamadhi, including the design and engineering details for construction.

The main celebration in Adivarapupeta, when devotees from around India and the world gather and thousands are fed blessed food, is Mahashivaratri, the annual great night of Shiva that occurs in February or March depending upon the lunar calendar. Shivabalayogi returned to his native place every year to attend this celebration in honor of his divine guru.

The Adivarapupeta ashram is a spiritually important site which belongs not only to the devotees of Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj, but to all those who seek God and spiritual development. Shri Swamiji assures us that it is from his sacred samadhi in Adivarapupeta that he is radiating his blessings throughout the world to all who would take them.

Photograph Insert:

Bhagwan Baba
Miraculous light emanating from Swamiji’s body during consecration of linga.





Friday, November 8, 2013


Thought of the day !


South Africa's fragmented political ideology motivated the majority to embark on a reconciliation program and triumphed. Greatest success story Man has written in world history.

The period of political circumspection, through the ballot box example for humanity. Peace is possible if we gave it a chance.

Sathya Sai South Africa a gaze through my lens !

Bhagwan profiles my ideals and carves my destiny. My journey began capturing the perennial beauty of His lotus feet and halts at the hills and slopes of Puttaparthi.

It's probably six decades since Sathya SAI launched His inspiring work in Africa. His omnipresence advent in Kwa-Zulu, Gauteng and perhaps other provinces begins an illustrious journey on African soil.

The stage was fertile for the Avatar to establish His mission of Prema and Piety. He would become the epitome of Truth, fortuitously His name SATHYA.

If my memory serves me correct a local Indian newspaper in Durban in the seventies reported the following of Sathya SAI.

This may have occurred on Christmas or Deepavali celebrations, when Indians and perhaps other race groups, witness unusual phenomena on the beach. A man with an AFRO dressed in an orange robe, standing in the distant sea waving his hand.

This event sparked phenomenal interest at the time. Subsequently through hearsay stories His photographs were discovered for sale in local Indian religious stores.

Sai becomes known in the Indian community through traditional story telling of a supernatural being. Most of us want to identify with a STAR of a greater magnitude than ourselves, our inherent nature.

In Sai's dictionary my will never fails, so commence the journey of fact and fable amongst the believers. We endorse the towering presence of SAI, opening the rose of the Universal Consciousness, we emerge from HIM and merge in Him !

Miraculous events begin to unfold in our county and the world. A new revolution in the study of Sathya SAI and his work - we had not witness from the time of JESUS !

Man of Miracles through Sathyam Shivam Sundaram, becomes the Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, for his sterling devotees and their transformation !

Mammoth growth dawns in Durban in the spiritual fever. The enthusiasm congregates devotees glorifying the advent of Sai. Similarly this infectious glory dawns in Johannesburg.

Sai's generosity of wonders is complimented globally. HE was never modest in demonstrating miracles. He was swift when opening a seasoned tuck shop in a devotee's home. He introduces full range of products for the opening SALE vibuti, kumkum, water hurdee and honey for collecting customers.

He always chose the homes of the average for miracles amusing and assisting them to raise their consciousness. The common promptly becomes the saviours of humanity. Their creative intellect and presence of ignorance of the miracles, often license them to exaggerate their own greatness, in the midst of the sensation. Celebrating miracles with common people has always been enchanting. These exercises attracts the wealthy and educated - to be inspired by the ordinary and uneducated is very seducing indeed.

It is like celebrating Halloween's day.
This has always overwhelmed me !

Here one has to recognise the Divine's theatrics in these amazing circumstances. Bhagwan's discharging SHAKTI at ordinary homes has its own unique significance. The evidence and providence in the language of God, life is a game !

I witness miraculous marvels beyond the present rationale of Science and so have millions.

I am compelled to ask Baba why don't you materialise your products at the home of the very wealthy and knowledgeable ? I assume the answer from SAI to this question ?
I am G+d I know better !

The ordinary often misconstrued the significance of the magic.

It was His miracles that attracted me, question how does HE do it ? 
I would like to do the same Bhagwan, will you teach me I just Love' em ! More than all the other stuff like chanting, singing bhajans, speaking the truth, awaiting the process for darshan, can we slice all that out Baba !

Let's get to the real stuff - The fun and good things I know you like !

Miracles very important testimony of the omnipresence.
Miracles unconditional love.
Miracles confirm SAI transcends the laws of space and time.
Miracles challenge our rational and scientific mind.
Miracles divine energy

Every miracle has a special story to tell either in the way it materialised or graced to the devotee.

In the works of Jewish Philosopher Saadia Goan and Maimonides miracles evidence of the divine. Sathya SAI originator of this discipline.

Sai Organisation in S. A the paradigm for illumination. Though devotees occasionally engage in personality contest that is secondary for this foundation. When looking at their magnanimity and remarkable work in progress, this defines for me selflessness. !

One hundred and twenty centre's around the country without an office and organisation that functions flawlessly is by no means generic, rather organic and extraordinary...

An institution that's operational from devotee's laptops mobiles and cars - built schools, actively a participant in free medical care - one of the biggest donors of Liquid Gold, amazing or what ?

Exemplary work, I may not have contributed to any of this, but I honour the ingenuity of those that have.

The Sai-Lent revolution of Seva is the blue print of Bhagwans philanthropy. This attribute is propagated without fanfare, stands tall in an emerging Sai legacy and world history.

This is made possible by dedication devotion and discipline by those that recognised in the language of the Hindu, God and his army !

The SAI marshals sojourning on Dharti-MATA improving the circumstances for humanity.

My pranams at your Divine Lotus Feet !

I feel it in my soul generations to come will be frequenting Puttaparthi. The nucleus for unconditional PREMA and Bhagwans short visit on this planet for the enterprise of righteousness !

The ONE that develops our Buddhi or Vivek to traverse the lane of Sai-Shivahom. I have witness in my layman's wisdom, fascinating and sometime an uncharacteristic journey, but you must travel to your destination.

Though Sathya SAI Baba is G+d, for a few people in the world, should He be held accountable occasionally for the acrimonious deliberations amongst devotees? I discovered devotees pursuing their vested interest in God - through the local courts to secure His favour and flavour of enlightenment.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

Aum SAI Ram
With Love,


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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sai Lingam / Airport Miracle

Thought of the day !

Sathya SAI miracles after Samadhi.
Shadow of my life Bhagwan

September 2013 few of my friends from South Africa journey to the house of G+d, Prashanthi Nilayam

It's customary to make a shrine in their room. Lord of the Universe would shower them with religious paraphernalia.

This year not different, three days after their arrival, Bhagwan materialized a Lingam in the temporary shrine. He garnished it vibuti and kumkum.

Unbelievably they experience a rude awakening two days later, Lingam disappears from their sanctuary.

They were left in distress for  five days and constantly in prayer asking Bhagwan forgiveness.

Sathya SAI answers their prayers with a note, He writes:
How do you feel when I give you something and take it back?

Lingam picture above photographed before it disappeared.
The morning they were leaving Bhagwan materialized this stunning Lingam for them.
Avatar parades extra ordinary affection towards the devotee's and bestows them a bonanza miracle. They meet friends at the ashram who ask them if they could baggage some of their luggage.

Devotee agrees only to discover he is 4 kg over weight at the airport. Custom official displayed enormous hostility and demanded they open the bag. After a loud debate with the official, he agrees they may place the bag on the conveyor belt for scanning.

The devotee noticed something unusual, a hand on the luggage as it moves through the scan and notes once the bag is out Vibuti flakes on the bag.

The bag Picture.
Amazing lesson for mankind, in my self-contain intellect, I often forget a higher power rules over the Universe. Hinduism emphasizes Aham Brahmasi the entirety of creation is G-d. Everything comes from Him and ultimately merges in HIM.

Once we realise even the righteous are not free of sin, and there is no wicked man who has not done some good, what is the line of division between the righteous and wicked?

Babas education advantages us to experience the division and pure consciousness. Will it ever happen? We are solely responsible for that, we are the guiding masters of our destiny. We pursue guidance and education with a VEIL contrary to His teachings.

In the works of historians like Saadia the Jewish philosopher and Aristotle miracles are affirmation of G-dliness. The two ultimate principles in the world are the active divine cause and matter, which is the object of Divine casualty.

No doubt for the Sai devotee - Sathya SAI is G+d and for humanity pervading energy.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !
With Love


Photograph Insert:

The first Lingum that disappears.( The magic of the LORD)
The second Lingum
The Bag



Saturday, September 14, 2013


Thought of the day !

Spring of 2013, Professor Anil Kumar of Puttaparthi, graces sunny shores of South Africa. Spirit of the devotee hallmark of selflessness

Wits Auditorium temporarily becomes Sai Kulwant Hall, scene's reminiscence from yester-year, pageants the Avatars Star Studded Show ! The theme in the auditorium was humorous prasadam for enlightenment.

Anil Kumars mystical journey, leads him to the Supernatural abode of God, in a breathtaking adventure, wholesome meal for the Hearts journey.

Awakening of Sai Dharma

Professor's sterling Satsang was refreshing and perhaps an excellent panacea for the next decade. I was startled at Anil Kumar's break-dancing skills a new art form. That was really glamorous and amorous; maybe dancing should be incorporated as the 10-point conduct into our nine-point charter.

Professor graciously rejuvenates noble virtues of a stellar organization founded by SAI. Anil, may you continue to be dignified by unceasing love in an unending SEVA. History will be testimony of your Dharma and Karma

Sathya SAI Baba's work has been larger than Life on this planet. The home for a true Sai devotee, for philosophical reflection announcing - I am I.

One has to applaud the organizational skills and logistics of this mammoth task. Sai Ram to the devotees, may you be coronated with Atma Vidya

The attendance was the faithful insurance of the devotee's loyalty. Savvy Ramlal your tenure resonates an Aura of extra ordinary serenity over the Organization. 

Generations to come will chant the rhythm of Aum SAI Ram for an equilibrium world.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Anil Kumar

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sathyananda Sarasvati


Thought of the day !

God is the manifestation of friendship Sathya SAI Baba is the signature of that brand.
God is the expression of love Sathya SAI Baba is the proprietor of that product.
God is luminescence Sathya SAI Baba is the source of that radiance.
God is truth Sathya SAI Baba is the incarnation of that panorama.
God is peace Sathya SAI Baba is the evidence of that divinity.


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JagadGURU Sathyananda Sarasvati


Thursday, July 18, 2013


Thought of the day !

Guru Purnima 3/07/2012 South AFRICA Bhagwans Message.

This is an important day for all you and me. For I am the source of that love and I am always pouring it out in an endless stream. Today all draw close together so let everyone pour that same love that I have showered upon each one of you.

That love can heal and cement the relationship between everyone and especially between all members of the Sai family. It will help eliminate all thoughts and feelings of discord or jealousy and indeed all negative thoughts. My blessings to all put my teachings into practice don’t fail my duty.

Love Love Love


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Dearest Reader,

Blog inspired by SAI, developing by trial and error. Grammar quality is poor, author in a layman's skill and dropout from school.

I am reviewing the articles, constructing shorter sentences easier to read.
Content would remain the same.

Bhagwan I am unable to inspire mankind like you did. Hopefully, one individual may find some joy, from one sentence, in a chance encounter with Sai-LUV !




Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gurvanand Ji Maharaj

Thought of the day !

Actonville South Africa a sleepy little town 15 K.M. East of O.R. International Airport, animated by BrahmRishi Gurvanandaji from Tirupati.

Tamil School Board in concert with Gujarati Samaj and Ved Vidya Mandir becomes home for samarpan, a catalyst for harmony

Devraha Baba one of the most eminent Sage's in recent history to my surprise was the mentor of Guruvanandaji.

Guruji is credited with a PHD and celebrated credentials of Yoga. His tapas sojourn onto breathtaking shakti hence manifestation of religious paraphernalia. His discourse was humorous, presented as a world class motivational speaker.

The evening was fun inspiring wholesome growth. True essence of spirituality life is a cosmic dance. His towering personality captivated the audience.

Many devotees mobile me to confirm His age 73, noting he appear to be about 45 years. I have to be candid  questioned His age. The rigorous tapas and extraordinary discipline of Maharaj, is culmination of His youthful appearance, emulating teachings of his Great Master.

Siddha Purusha Guruvanandaji may your glamorous and amorous journey be the guiding light for Humanity

Sages His stature a rare breed, difficult to discover in an overpopulated spiritual bazaar. The experience was electrifying, Seva-DAL responsible for His arrival to South Africa, SAI devotee from Mauritius

May you continue to tread in the path of  Prema and TEJA, be a conduit for His noble ideals, work for the Great Master ceaselessly.

The Sage is the Confluence of Bhakti-Shakti and Prema !
Coronated by World Religion of Parliament.

I was fortunate had an audience with Him twice. Asked Guruji a question, did you have Darshan of the late Shri Sathya SAI Avatar? He stated more than two hundred occasions. He is G+d (Governing Order of Divinity).
Devraha Baba, mentor of Swamiji was a posed a similar question, affirmed SAI ParaBRAHMA incarnate.

I was humbled by this announcement. When converging on the Pinnacle of Enlightenment, you recognise the Universal MAYA, formulated in flesh - SAI !

Great Sage impromptu prays for Global Iconic Figure, Mahatma Mandela's accelerated healing. I was emotional. Madiba's majestic AURA encapsulates the world with Ubuntu.
Jai Guru-Dev

Wishing you a peaceful journey

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Devaraha Baba



Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Thought of the day !

Dr.Najma Heptulla is the grand-niece of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad a prominent Indian freedom fighter. She became the country's first education minister. Najma is articulate a Master's of Science in Zoology and Ph.D in Cardiac Anatomy from the University of Colorado Denver. She headed several divisions of Congress, outstanding figure and general secretary. In l986 additional responsibility for youth activities of the all India Congress Committee.

Photograph Insert :

Celebrating SAI
Najma a SAI devotee
Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad -- Mahatma Gandhi’s Compatriot in the free India Campaign.




Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sathya SAI Samadhi MIRACLE


Thought of the day !

In a world of Science miracles are debatable questionable and controversial so is this ONE.
I know the AVATARS devotees never tell a LIE !

You be the Judge.

I am motivated to trust the information as relayed to me, hence the posting !

Sathya SAI captured on video with a mobile seated on His chair 2013 Samadhi celebrations Sai Mandir South AFRICA.

I visited the Mandir on Sunday 19 2013 the miracle was shared with me telephonically, however the Seva-DAL was unable to MMS me the clip. This was due to a technical problem on the phone.

Avatars attire for the chair 2013 was couture in Milan by Christian DIOR ! To my amusement SAI devotees have never been SHY of expressing their gratitude to the Lord of Universe.

I have to acknowledge the garment is stunningly beautiful on the chair. The details silky yellow with brown roses attached and seamed with an attractive white lace on the side.

Seva-DAL explains, she wanted to photograph the chair, after the dress rehearsal during the day for the evening's gala ! 
Samadhi Celebrations.

Unknowingly the mobile was in Video mode realizing this after photographing the chair. Astounded by the capture, she was bewildered by what she witness on the replay.

SAI in your words miracles create suspicion and jealousy !

I uploaded this clip to my laptop to have a better view however the snippet is rather short. I notice the Seva-DALS fingers on the left hand side of the video. They appear to be holding a life size portrait on the chair. Take note of the right hand sleeve in comparison to the left which appears to be a photographic expression.

Chair does not appear to be the one in the Mandir but Bhagwans white wheel chair of Prashanti. The Avatars feet are not visible neither the background of the Altar of the Mandir.

What is amazing, the blue carpet and tiles of the Mandir are captured in the clip and yellow background during the AVATARS mind-blowing Show.

Extension 4 Sai Mandir is renowned for controversy, so was the AVATAR during His holy and glitzy stint of 85 years.

Bhagwan I never doubt your Omnipresence it's difficult for a layman like myself to comprehend your Love and Light. I pen this with honesty BABA. If there is an error in my judgement my apologies. I am not trying to discredit your Avataric Credentials neither do I derive any Joy for glamorizing dishonesty !

You dwell in my Heart as the eternal Rose.

Bhagwan you recollect my visit to Dr.Singh, after Samadhi, my words to Him, nobody on this planet demonstrated SHAKTI in world history, like the Shri Sathya SAI Avatar.

Aum SAI Ram


Photograph Insert :

Video Clip


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sanathana SARATHI

Thought of the day !

Sanathan Sarathi, a romantic magazine that enlightens my intellect. The narrative is woven with the finest SAI thread. The tenderness of the content serves as a sumptuous meal for vitality. Shanti, gliding through the pages, takes my soul on a journey to Dharma and Dharana.


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Sanathan Sarathi.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sathya SAI Omnipresence

Thought of the day !

This is Organic !

Bhagwan bestows phenomenal darshan after Samadhi, devotees sharing extraordinary encounters.

This one compliments the realm of the mystical; reinforce His revelation of the Shri Sathya Sai Yuga. I've come with the full powers of the Form and Formless.

The devotee contributing this experience to me telephonically, stated she got out from her bathroom going in to her bedroom.

LO and behold !

She observes a ball of bright light in her room next to the wardrobe. Amazed what she witness, asked Swami is that you? Please wait I want to take a photograph. Capturing  the bright light with a nokia, when viewing the display, was flabbergasted Bhagwan emerging.

One can view the light emanating from Sai's palm. Explaining to me telephonically she did not see Baba only the light. The wardrobe and bed is visible in the background.

I asked Bhagwan in a conversation if I may post this photograph on-line. He declines initially remarks this kind of miracles have created jealousy and suspicion.

After much persuasion and humoring the Avatar HE agreed. On many occasions Bhagwan and I agree to disagree on a variety of issues, but our relationship remains cordial !

The latest Shirdi Sai miraculous photograph courtesy of Sathya SAI revealing what Shirdi BABA looked like when He was 69 years.

The copy is poor as Shirdi lived in an era when camera was in its infancy !

Wishing you Prema and TEJA, may your journey be auspicious.

Hari OM Tat Sat Jai Guru Datta.
Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Miracle Photo Sathya and Shirdi SAI
Sathya SAI miracles after Samadhi


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sadhu BABA

Thought of the day !

Sai devotees are demonstrating formidable principles after Bhagwans samadhi. Glamorous and comparative spirituality have not swayed them to substitute their loyalty 

Despite minor challenges, the inherent weakness in men, Organisation expands globally. Bhagwan does not go anywhere His the indweller. 

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert:

Sadhu Baba

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Indulal SHAH

Thought of the day !

Shri Indulal Shah writes in Sathyam Sivam Sundaram V-7 page 296:

For an earnest seeker, the search for God ends in Puttaparthi, and the pathway to understand, assimilate, visualize and dwell on the greatness of God begins and ends with Chaitanya Jyoti.

It is so unique that it will speak for itself now and for centuries to come. Just as a musician leaves behind his music when he departs and a writer his works, for an Avatar it is the monuments such as Chaitanya Jyoti that stand testimony to His divine presence on earth !

Generations to come will study the life of Bhagwan His Love is flooding our galaxy !

Picture Insert:

Bhagwan the Eternal Charioteer
Shri Indulal Shah
Chaitanya Jyoti


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Shiva-SHAKTI -- South AFRICA

Thought of the day !

South Africa

The Shiva Shakti sculpture stands not only as a testament to the artistic and cultural achievements of the Tamil community in Actonville but also a beacon of spiritual and communal unity. 

It’s unveiling on March 9th, 2013, marked a significant moment in the history of the Sivan-Alayam temple, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of traditions that's flourishing in this corner of the African continent. 

The sculpture embodies the essence of Sanathan Dharma, radiating the wisdom and love of Hindu philosophy to all who gaze upon it. It is a celebration of heritage, a symbol of the enduring spirit of the forefathers, and a source of inspiration for future generations to continue embracing their identity with pride and joy. 

The Benoni Tamil School Board's dedication to this project has indeed inscribed a lasting legacy, proving that from small seeds of intention, great trees of accomplishment can grow.

My birthplace Actonville scarcely did I contemplate such an awe-inspiring addition to its skyline.



Photograph Insert :

Shiva Shakti
A Rose from me !


Saturday, March 9, 2013


Thought of the day !

Interesting Read !

A copy and paste Presentation from my Inbox.

Steve Jobs revolutionized the world with Apple Computers and e-based communication.
Did you know the following facts about Mr.S. Jobs.

He used to "walk 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna Hindu Temple ".

He said in his Stanford University lecture " You have to trust in your gut, destiny, life and Karma." He was a staunch believer of karma yoga.

He visited many Ashrams in Rishikesh particularly Neem Karoli Baba ashram , a devotee of Hanuman. After visiting first time he returned from India to US with a shaved head and in traditional Indian robes.

He used to walk in his company bare footed like a Hindu sanyasi..
He used to do Yoga daily and he was a vegetarian till his last breath.

He visited many ashrams in north India and used to do yoga in holy places.
He started touring India from 1974 onwards and was a great lover of animals.

He did not request money from his parents even when he was jobless and generally took food from Hindu temples wherever he went.

He, religiously followed and spread the 'amazing Hindu dharma' and Vedic messages.
He did not complete his studies at university but remained in university for discussions with his friends.

He was removed from his own company by the management and later those management people were removed from their chair and Steve jobs was brought back.

It is said that one of the Hindu swamijis in the Himalayas gave him a green apple and told him to eat it. He did and looked into the apple after biting a piece from it. That apple later became the emblem of his Apple computers.

Steve displayed interest in Neem Karoli Baba who took Samadhi in 1973. He may have embraced his teachings.

Photograph Isert :

Bhagwan Baba
Neem Karoli Baba
Mr. Steve Jobs


Saturday, February 23, 2013


Thought of the day !

Sathya SAI miracle photographs after death !
A copy and paste Presentation from my Inbox.

We sat with a new group of people in Sydney for this transmission. One lady wanted to show me a photo she had taken of the moon and how the energy flowing from it had been captured through her camera. She often captured little fairies and elemental in her photos as well.

Without thinking I asked her to take a photo of the altar in front of us, and with her not knowing, I asked Sai Baba to please give us a special photo if it was His will.

With that, just as the photo was taken, the tea-light candles flared in unison, everyone saw it, and this is a crop of the photo we were given:

I was thrilled for it shows Sai Baba with wings above his own image. See the elementals flying around also.

The above photo is taken by Colleen Beattie.


The occasion was Shivaratri, the great festival of Lord Siva, where, if one remains in prayer and devotion all night, one's sins for the past year are cleansed. It was the first celebration for the New Millenium, year 2000

A small group had gathered at Canyonleigh for the Shivaratri Festival. I had been given a smoky crystal, by a friend, who had found it atop of Mount Sinai. He said there were many like it lying around out in the open.

As I lit the candle on the altar beside Sai Baba's photo I was thinking of the story of Moses and the burning bush, and how strange there were now a whole lot of exposed smoky quartz crystals atop of the mountain.

After our prayers and singing we all noticed that the tall candle was suddenly burning not only at the top but almost near the base as well. As we watched the candle burning we marveled at how the flame at the base was actually burning inside of the candle. How could that be, for there would be no oxygen in there

Someone said we should take a photo, and as it happened someone had left a camera on the table from a previous meeting, so we grabbed it and took two images.

When the film was processed we could see where the flame had been burning at the base of the candle from the first image, and even deeper into the candle in the second image.

In the first image I had not realized I had extended my hand with palm facing upwards, toward Sai Baba. Where He had once said to me, "Australia Come," it was now as if I had subconsciously extended an invitation to Him, "India Come."

It was only then we realized Sai Baba had actually walked out of the wooden frame, which now looked like a Golden Door. With the reflection of the flashlight on His photo He appeared to have just arrived from the Cosmos.

Photograph Insert :

Bhagwan miracle superimposed photo
Bhagwan miracle stepping out of photo 



Saturday, February 2, 2013

Madvanandagiriji Maharaj

Thought of the day !

Aquarian age aspirants are yearning and searching for something meaningful and truthful. Befriend the Sathya SAI Organisation to explore these disciplines and become the Alpha an Omega.
Texture your intellect with Sai’s Love.  Ascend your conversation with the Omnipresence and discover you are Brahman.


Photograph Insert :

Bhagwan SAI
Swami Madvanandagiriji Maharaj




Monday, January 7, 2013


Thought of the day !

Miracles of Medjugorje Sai Mandir - South Africa, Christmas 2012.

Amazing phenomena -- Believe it or NOT !

Christmas a special shrine is made at the Mandir glorifying Christ and Mother Mary. Miracles are shared with me telephonically; I pen the story for Sai-Luv 

Two years ago, visited the Mandir was gifted a red pendant that appeared miraculously in the shrine during Christmas.

Fascinated at the colour had a close look at the pendant, inscribed with the name Infant Jesus.

Infant Jesus is associated with a church in Prague. I've been glimpsing the gift for two years. My attention amplified at the pendant after Christmas of 2012.

Stunningly beautiful cross of Christ materialized this season, rosary and other religious paraphernalia.

Inspection of the cross the words Medjugorje and MIR are inscribed on it.
Medjugorje village in Bosnia Herzegovina been reporting miracles from the seventies.

Sai-Temple recipient of cross marked Medjugojre, makes you wonder who is animating this Supreme Power.

One universal energy pervades our cosmos manifest in a variety. (Gita)
Sathya SAI, Sole Proprietor and Propeller of this angelic atomic structure, arranging atoms by the sheer power of his Will.

Sai mentioned during His life call on G+d sincerely, will answer your prayer.

In my humble prophetic vision - Bhagwan will make an appearance in the Sai-Kulwant Hall in the near future. He will step out from the interview room.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Bhagwan & Christ
The Miraculous Cross of 2012.
Infant Jesus the miraculous pendant
Medjugorje miracle Sun Rays on congregation.
Miracle photographs - Orange hallmark colour in the Sai Organisation 

I've posted articles of Rebbeca MARSH on this blog Aug 2008.
Bhagwan in Bosnia April 2010
Christ Consciousness Oct 2011 - compelling reads.