Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gurvanand Ji Maharaj

Thought of the day !

Actonville South Africa a sleepy little town 15 K.M. East of O.R. International Airport, animated by BrahmRishi Gurvanandaji from Tirupati.

Tamil School Board in concert with Gujarati Samaj and Ved Vidya Mandir becomes home for samarpan, a catalyst for harmony

Devraha Baba one of the most eminent Sage's in recent history to my surprise was the mentor of Guruvanandaji.

Guruji is credited with a PHD and celebrated credentials of Yoga. His tapas sojourn onto breathtaking shakti hence manifestation of religious paraphernalia. His discourse was humorous, presented as a world class motivational speaker.

The evening was fun inspiring wholesome growth. True essence of spirituality life is a cosmic dance. His towering personality captivated the audience.

Many devotees mobile me to confirm His age 73, noting he appear to be about 45 years. I have to be candid  questioned His age. The rigorous tapas and extraordinary discipline of Maharaj, is culmination of His youthful appearance, emulating teachings of his Great Master.

Siddha Purusha Guruvanandaji may your glamorous and amorous journey be the guiding light for Humanity

Sages His stature a rare breed, difficult to discover in an overpopulated spiritual bazaar. The experience was electrifying, Seva-DAL responsible for His arrival to South Africa, SAI devotee from Mauritius

May you continue to tread in the path of  Prema and TEJA, be a conduit for His noble ideals, work for the Great Master ceaselessly.

The Sage is the Confluence of Bhakti-Shakti and Prema !
Coronated by World Religion of Parliament.

I was fortunate had an audience with Him twice. Asked Guruji a question, did you have Darshan of the late Shri Sathya SAI Avatar? He stated more than two hundred occasions. He is G+d (Governing Order of Divinity).
Devraha Baba, mentor of Swamiji was a posed a similar question, affirmed SAI ParaBRAHMA incarnate.

I was humbled by this announcement. When converging on the Pinnacle of Enlightenment, you recognise the Universal MAYA, formulated in flesh - SAI !

Great Sage impromptu prays for Global Iconic Figure, Mahatma Mandela's accelerated healing. I was emotional. Madiba's majestic AURA encapsulates the world with Ubuntu.
Jai Guru-Dev

Wishing you a peaceful journey

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Devaraha Baba