Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Thought of the day !

Guru Purnima

South Africa is elegance with winter. GuruPurnim sanctifies Hindu home's with tender loving warmth this season.

GuruPurnim celebration of life.
GuruPurnim celebration of knowledge
GuruPurnim celebrating our parents.
GuruPurnim celebrating our teachers.
GuruPurnim celebrating our heritage.

GuruPurnim acknowledging sage Ved-Vyasa's work for composing the cardinal doctrines of Vedanta.
GuruPurnim removing the obscurity from our intellect.
GuruPurnim defraging our files, empty the recycle bin and refresh the memory.

May Bhagwan rain stars on you this GuruPurnim.

Sathya SAI is Omnipresent !
Aum Sri SAI Ram


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