Thought of the day !
Sai Mandir
Shakti Nilayam
Lenasia South - known as Ext 4
South Africa
Message From Bhagwan April 1 2020
The darkness indeed is the Kali of this Kaliyuga. My light is powerful; I will dispel all pain and suffering of the virus. For those who are my devotees silence your heart and co-operate concentrate on my Form or Omnipresence.
You will need to harness Sai energy to bring about the healing Singing Bhajans, Meditation, Namasmarana and Satsang. The chaotic noise and confusion outside the world audible, call on me I will respond.
I urge devotees to have constructive thoughts and compassionate acts, rely on my grace. The world of people effected by Man's bad actions. I have given you the formula to combat foes, Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa. The final victory is spiritual revolution on earths transformation. Shifting from Micro to Macro levels from individual society to the world.
Stop worrying and fearing drink vibuti in water. The world is one vast kin I am the Light that guides man in the wilderness.
Bhagwan and Shirdi Wale
Vibuti on Bhagwan's Feet and the book Sai writes His messages.