Thought of the day !
and Essay, The RAMAYAN -- MAHABHARAT / Gita
Two mythological doctrines Ramayan and Mahabharat / Gita patterns the psyche of the Indian Subcontinent and diaspora.
These tenets from time immemorial, influences nourish amplify the religious spiritual cultural and social protocol of the Hindu community.
What's intriguing about these magnificent teachings they were born out from conflict and consensus.
The event was organised by Hindu Gods, Shri Ram and Shri Krishna. They guided their folk in to warfare attesting to Dharma and Karma.
The significant proceedings of anarchy that ensue in Kurukshetra and Sri Lanka form the basis for a splendid exhibition, where the contestants showcase their bravery and barbarity.
The Lord on both occasions make and appearance, displaying His valour and glamour and referee in the divine bloodletting rehearsal.
The theory of cause and effect --- Karma for convenience and the Divine Will of the Lord shall prevail !
Shri Ram and Shri Krishna's life's action's, attainments and acquisitions, inspirer's intrigues devotee's thousands of years into the future.
The discourse of Mahabharat also gave birth to the celestial song Bhagvad Gita.The companion of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. During Gandhi's trials in the free India campaign, he source solace from the Gita.
Bhagvad Gita -- influence mankind generations to come, three facets :
Science of the Soul
Science of Breath
Mastery of the Senses -- tools provided for the emancipation of the soul from the prison house of the body.
Exploring Ramayan and Mahabharat with my cataract free eyes, there has been consistency of brutality accompanied by moral principles by its founders for the deliverance of man. I often wonder why one has to choose hostilities to arrive at peace.
The answer maybe simple, a principle governing behaviour, rules of engagement on the plane of duality, winner takes all. The answer maybe complex why a God of Love encourages hostilities?
Previous Major Avatars Shri Krishna, Shri Ram delivered man into peace through ordinances of physical contest.
Shri Ram and Shri Krishna life's productions form the foundation for Hindu philosophical reflection.
The present Avatar Sathya Sai Baba's divine surgical program, to deliver mankind through a succinct formulation of the fundamental principle of :
Sathya - Dharma - Prema - Shanti - Ahimsa.
This Avatar life's work is presented outside the periphery of the Indian Subcontinent.
SAI'S humour and humorist miracles could liberate mankind from slavery of the mind.
Bhagwan Baba's vibuti materialises around the world. Recently Baba materialised vibuti from a palm tree in Swaziland.
Avatar's are generally not acknowledge during their earthly life, not many recognise the Great One. However, their life radiates a million Suns, enjoy fame for many thousands of years after Samadi.
Kuns or Kans - Lord Krishna's uncle in the Mahabharta, Maharaj Kans and his colleagues Kauravas disputed Shri Krishnas claim to Avatarhood therefore the clash of the Titans.
Maharaj Ravan - Lord Rama's adversary accordingly the birth of the glorious Ramayan.
One could write volumes on the Mahabharat / Gita and Ramayan, scholars have. The fascination with mythology will continue to inspire individuals to dispense new meaning to ancient text and intellectual introspection
Maharaj Ravan and Kuns hails from a legendary era to the twentieth century in the psyche of every Hindu home. Their enthusiasm to revel in a virtuous war ascends credibility to their own greatness. Being role-model villains, provides nutrition to scripture and accentuates the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayan
Ram Anand Sagar --- what an admirable name, His TV serial Ramayan and Krishna dramatises History into virtual reality and romantic nostalgia.
I would recommend the works of Mr.Sagar and family.
Photograph Insert :
Shri Ram and Shri Krishna