Tamil School Board Actonville South Africa, hosted this stainless Soul at William Hills High School, March 18 1982. Classroom of former school teacher, Mr.Jogee from Germiston, kind and compassionate soul.
Our family were fortunate to have darshan of Swamiji. Classroom was pack to capacity. Late Norman Pillay, Mr.Govender from Target Dry Cleaners, Sunny Nayager and many of my late dads friends from the Tamil Community, including Clemens Padiachy, whom I informed about the Satsang, were in attendance.
Swamiji delivered and enlightening discourse torch bearer of Sanathan Dharma
Bowing down to Guru-Maharaj after satsang felt and incredible aura of peace
Swamiji spend the evening in Actonville, decline to live at devotees home, instead slept in the classroom, unfolding His life's distinguished journey.
SatGuru Sivaya Swamji decorated scholar, philosopher, mystic and humanitarian. Showered with accolades from New Delhi to World Religion of Parliaments and United Nations for His notable work.
Swamiji founded magazine Hinduism Today
Met his Guru Yoga-Swami in Ceylon ( Sri Lanka )
My condolence letter on Guru Maharaja's Samadhi.
Ashram reciprocated with a piece of His robe, eternally grateful for the gesture !
Aum Namah Shivaya.
I am challenge reading your mail this morning. Swamiji concluding his physical destiny at brief notice. Photograph you mail this morning of Swamiji is and Aura of Peace
Master separate his soul from the body saddens our family. He fulfilled His earthly life triumphantly. Gods in the Haven of Heavens will be dancing welcoming a great soul. Swamiji will be entrusted with new duties to serve His earthly devotee's omnipresently.
I am eternally grateful to the Master who took time to talk to me whenever I called. Surprised me whenever I left messages for Him to call me. Gurudev's powerful words reverberate in the inner core of my being.
Gurudeva's successor may our beloved masters omnipresence be the guiding light during your reign. May his work be carried out with the same spirit and vigour.
Our heartfelt condolences to our brothers and sisters in Kauai
Swamiji's samadhi November 12 2001
max Parshotam and Family
Actonville -- South Africa
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