Thought of the day !
From my Inbox a copy and paste presentaion
Miracle Photographs of Bhagwan Baba
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Photo 1 from top
Bhagwan materialized this photograph for a devotee acknowledging His true form the Atma-Lingam.
The lingum symbolizes the highest form of worship in Hinduiasm. It embodies the present Avatara Shiva Shakti in assimilation transcends the three gunas.
The Siva-Lingum belongs to class of natural Hindu symbols, which are usually mathematical in form. Such symbols are called natural, because they not only represent a reality, but also to some extent are the actual vehicles of the power within that reality
The lingum is ellipsoid. The primary polarity and principle of positive and negative forces. On this principle the whole universe is founded.
( page 44 Howard Murphet Hard Cover Man of Miracle’s)
Photograph 2
Sai RAM -- Brothers and Sisters
With Pranams at Lotus Feet of Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba
We would like to share our happiness and bliss to all in the Sai Family around the world on a rare opportunity that we had taken a photo of Swami's form as Divine Light with beautiful Aura of the sun outside our balcony on 2nd May 2008 at 9.19am with mobile camera. This was taken in Penang, Malaysia where our residence is. Please kindly distribute throughout the Sai family to share this joy with Swami's grace upon us all.
Jai SAI Ram
Benson and Sumana Teoh, Penang, Malaysia
Photograph 3 Courtesy of Olivia Roels Sak
Bhagwan’s omnipresence in Tinley Manor beach Durban South Africa you have to enlarge the picture to view Bhagwan standing on the balcony.