Thought of the day !
Bhagwan declares His miracles are His Prema. His key to empower you to unlock your divinity, so we merge in His Shakti through our Bhakti.
Barely would mankind envisage, Bhagwan displayed His silhouette on the Moon, affirming His Vishwa-Swarup Darshan. Divine Magician and Physician of the Soul.
Not many would have heard of Sathya Sai Baba - however, his message of compassion will feature eternally in history
Sai materialized His sacred Ash on every continent, by the sheer power of His Divine Will. A supernatural phenomenon transcending the laws of space and time
I write amidst intense atmosphere of violence in the Middle East. As humans, have we learnt from history not much? As long as there is scope for war remotely would we consider peace as an alternative?
Political winds of change blow through the great American Nation a new leader a new brand. Would Obama restore American credibility, amidst a suspicious administration and a world hostile to American foreign policy?
Mr. President Barack Obama history will Judge you not for what you promised during your campaign, but what you delivered during your reign.
May Bhagwan Baba shower you abundance of Love during your term in the Oval Office.
South Africa -- Bhagwan makes a guest appearance in a Pregnancy Scan!