Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sai Lingam / Airport Miracle

Thought of the day !

Sathya SAI miracles after Samadhi.
Shadow of my life Bhagwan

September 2013 few of my friends from South Africa journey to the house of G+d, Prashanthi Nilayam

It's customary to make a shrine in their room. Lord of the Universe would shower them with religious paraphernalia.

This year not different, three days after their arrival, Bhagwan materialized a Lingam in the temporary shrine. He garnished it vibuti and kumkum.

Unbelievably they experience a rude awakening two days later, Lingam disappears from their sanctuary.

They were left in distress for  five days and constantly in prayer asking Bhagwan forgiveness.

Sathya SAI answers their prayers with a note, He writes:
How do you feel when I give you something and take it back?

Lingam picture above photographed before it disappeared.
The morning they were leaving Bhagwan materialized this stunning Lingam for them.
Avatar parades extra ordinary affection towards the devotee's and bestows them a bonanza miracle. They meet friends at the ashram who ask them if they could baggage some of their luggage.

Devotee agrees only to discover he is 4 kg over weight at the airport. Custom official displayed enormous hostility and demanded they open the bag. After a loud debate with the official, he agrees they may place the bag on the conveyor belt for scanning.

The devotee noticed something unusual, a hand on the luggage as it moves through the scan and notes once the bag is out Vibuti flakes on the bag.

The bag Picture.
Amazing lesson for mankind, in my self-contain intellect, I often forget a higher power rules over the Universe. Hinduism emphasizes Aham Brahmasi the entirety of creation is G-d. Everything comes from Him and ultimately merges in HIM.

Once we realise even the righteous are not free of sin, and there is no wicked man who has not done some good, what is the line of division between the righteous and wicked?

Babas education advantages us to experience the division and pure consciousness. Will it ever happen? We are solely responsible for that, we are the guiding masters of our destiny. We pursue guidance and education with a VEIL contrary to His teachings.

In the works of historians like Saadia the Jewish philosopher and Aristotle miracles are affirmation of G-dliness. The two ultimate principles in the world are the active divine cause and matter, which is the object of Divine casualty.

No doubt for the Sai devotee - Sathya SAI is G+d and for humanity pervading energy.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !
With Love


Photograph Insert:

The first Lingum that disappears.( The magic of the LORD)
The second Lingum
The Bag