Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sathya SAI MahaShivratri Seva

 Thought of the day  !

Aum SAI Ram 
Radiant Divinities 
My pranams at your divine lotus feet. 
Pathogen of Love goes viral

French philosopher Victor Cousin said : 
Looking at the philosophy of India we have to bend our knees at the cradle of civilisation.

Sai Seva Sunshine's at the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains, summer of 2022.  Bhagwan resuscitate benevolence in this yuga. In amidst of a pandemic, devotees silhouette fellow South Africans with Sundaram. As the world begins to look East, it's evident a uniform theme is beginning to emerge.

Love all Serve all. 

Grace woven into the genetic code of duty, harvesting and harnessing spirit of Ubuntu. Selflessness anchored into the roots of Drakensberg.

Help ever Hurt never.

Logistics were incredible defined the detail Soul of Sai. The ineffable fruits of cool Karma. A combined energy by devotees, ventilated the Avatar's seedling of altruism. Sai-ence and Seva Sequence by Stellar Organisation

Congratulations to the devotees
Happy MahaShivratri

Hai Mera Nath Mein Upko Bhulon Nahi
Sathya SAI is omnipresent !

With Love 

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