Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sanathan Dharma

Thought of the day !

Sanathan dharma is the cardinal principle of truth governing the cosmos and human life. The word Sanatana is born from the womb of Sanskrit, meaning eternal law of righteousness. It is not a religion, but a system of motivating values, living in harmony with the natural order of the universe. The philosophy teaches all beings are connected by the flame of the cosmic axis - Atma.

We are not bounded by religious dogma or ancient texts; we are the staircase for enlightenment and reservoir for goodness and greatness. We are free to think and act according to the optic of evolution. We are a force at the center of the earth's gravity and building blocks for global symmetry.

Gandhi spoke about his belief that God transcends all human-made distinctions of religion. He said, "God does not have a religion. He is not Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Buddhist. He is beyond all names and forms. He is the source of all existence and the essence of all love." Gandhi's vision of God was universal and inclusive, and advocated peace and harmony among people of different faiths.

Hinduism is diverse and a dynamic tradition encompassing various forms of worship and devotion. Depending on historical and cultural context, one may encounter different aspects of belief and practice. One expression is the concept of a family deity, or a specific manifestation of God, revered by a particular lineage or community. Family deities are often associated with Indian art, culture, sculpture, dance, and music. They tapestry Hindu eloquence into spiritual aesthetics.

Hindus do not participate in debates with other faiths, we have a dialogue. We don't have to proof anything to anybody, neither do we promote disharmony in public platforms. In the language of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, immaculate silence is the best teacher.

Sanatani's duty, imprint cool karma in the clouded corner of the earth's heart, with bountiful blessings. Tell your friends and the world join us and live in celebration.

We are not confine to subjective theology, we circulate objective thinking, in an endless stream of knowledge !

Bhagwad Gita compass our divinity.

Gita ventilates the science of the soul, mastery of breath and command of the senses. These three disciplines oxygenate Brahman, satellite for Aum, the primal sound of creation.

Man is G+d and G-d is Man.

Hare Rama Hare Krishna


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