Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sathya SAI Birthday

Thought of the day !

Dearest Bhagwan
Koti Koti na pranams at your divine lotus feet.

Your Presence Transcended Boundaries, Dissolved Differences and United Hearts in Divine Love.

The Most Progressive Organization in the World Bears the Emblem of Sathya - Truth. This pillar serve as a guiding light for humanity to tread the path of righteousness and lead a life filled with compassion and service.

With its numerous philanthropic initiatives, SAI touched the lives of millions across the globe. From providing free education to underprivileged children, offering healthcare facilities in remote areas, embracing humanity with tangible actions.

SAI's commitment to holistic development is commendable. Through its educational institutions and spiritual centres, it imparts values-based education that nurtures not only the intellect but also cultivates noble character traits. It fosters an environment where students grow into responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.

The impact of SAI's humanitarian efforts is felt far and wide. Its relief work during natural disasters provides solace and aid to those affected by calamities. By promoting sustainable practices and environmental consciousness, it advocates for a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Moreover, SAI's emphasis on unity among religions promotes interfaith dialogue and understanding. It recognizes that all paths ultimately lead towards the same truth – love for God and love for fellow beings. By fostering tolerance and respect for diverse beliefs, SAI fosters harmony in a world often divided by religious differences.

SAI stands as a beacon of progressiveness in today's world by embodying the ideals set forth by you on this auspicious day – your 92nd anniversary celebration. Its emblem of aspiration encapsulates the essence of truthfulness, righteous conduct, divine beauty – principles that guide us towards a better future. 

May SAI continue to illuminate hearts with compassion and bring forth positive change in our ever-evolving society!

Happy birthday Bhagwan

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert :

Rose from me !