Friday, October 24, 2008

Ishwar Allah Tera Nam - Guru Mata - Guru Pita

Thought of the day !

Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma

In a world characterized by self-interest and material pursuits, father stood out as a paragon of virtue. His commitment to humanitarianism and practice of Satya-Graha ideals defined his persona. Clad in his dignified suit and tie, he exuded magnanimity that complemented his personality.

My father's innate nature was one of boundless compassion. His heart overflowed with love, while his mind remained untainted by the pollution of worldly desires. This rare combination made him an epitome of empathy, always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need.

One aspect that added charm to my father's character was his adorable speech. Fluent in both Gujarati and English, he possessed the ability to captivate others with his words. His eloquence was not limited to language alone; it reflected the depths of wisdom that he held within.

For my dad, punctuality was not just a habit but a way of life. He firmly believed that being on time demonstrated respect for others' precious moments. Moreover, truthfulness occupied an elevated position in his value system—a daily offering for the nourishment of one's soul.

Throughout his life, Dad embraced noble ethics like Satya-Graha—truth-force—and practiced them unwaveringly. These principles guided him every step along the way, shaping him into an individual who had earned admiration from all who knew him.

My dad possessed a remarkable ability to see beyond material abundance or possessions; instead, he focused on cultivating inner wealth through philosophical contemplation. The teachings found within "Gita," which became his constant companion, served as an inexhaustible source for inspiration throughout his journey.

I cherish each moment spent engaging in inspiring conversations with Dad conducted solely in Gujarati—a language that held immense sentimental value between us. These exchanges provided me not only with linguistic growth but also offered insights into profound philosophies that shaped our lives positively.

Dad firmly believed in making our world a better place for all its inhabitants—humans and creatures alike—in whichever capacity possible. He envisioned harmony among diverse communities and strived tirelessly towards bridging gaps between individuals through understanding and acceptance.

Though fate cut short my father's life on April 3rd, 1985 when we resided on Fifteen Street Actonville-South Africa—it is this memory etched deeply within me—the memory highlighting Dad's unparalleled ability to embrace fellow men graciously—that stands as a testament to what it truly means to be humanistic at heart.
Aum SAI Ram

 My Beloved Mum.

It is with profound sadness we mourn the passing of our beloved mother on Wednesday, July 10, 2002. Her life was one filled with numerous challenges, yet she faced them with remarkable fearlessness and fortitude. Despite her own struggles, she protected her family fiercely, like a lioness guarding her cubs.

Mother's dedication to her family knew no bounds. She was willing to move mountains for their survival and well-being. Her unique circumstances motivated her to seek truth, indeed found it. As your children, we strive to embody the exemplary ideals that you lived by.

Your life was devoted wholeheartedly to our family's welfare and it achieved great triumphs. The goodwill of our community and the compassion of our friends are testaments to the fact that you were a shining light amidst adversity.

In this moment of sorrow, tears flow for the loss of a remarkable woman who shaped me into who I am today. Though your ability to express yourself fluently in speech may have been limited, your actions always conveyed love instead of anger.

We shared countless hilarious occasions together; that made us laugh until we cried. Compassion defined your character while humility exemplified your dharma. Your friends can attest to these qualities.

The gurus showered you with auspicious signs during these past six weeks. It is evident that you have become a celestial being enjoying immortality, be our guiding star.

Loving you has always been easy because you were so beautiful inside out... Memories flood my mind from days gone by... May you and dad find eternal peace together?

In Truth Trust and Triumph concludes your destiny.

In loving memory of beloved parents.

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