Monday, July 18, 2011

Sathya Sai Seva - Benoni South Africa

Thought of the day !
Benoi SAI Centre and Benoni Tamil School Board South Africa.   (UBUNTU)
SAI project of Seva and Dharma, in association with Benoni Tamil School Board, rewarded with an unexpected coin for noble endeavour.

Thousands of fellow South Africans from the less fortunate of our community, were divine guest of seva

I have to applaud Tamil School Board, for hosting SAI centre from the mid eighties. The marriage has blossomed and affection flaunted flawlessly

Amazing synergy gives birth to the True meaning of Ubuntu - culmination of our 67 minutes for Mahatma Mandela

Touching lives in our community was admirable, humility glowing define Sivan Alayam.

Seva-dals arrived in hundreds served with distinction
Winter seva project a huge success.

To the participants of this Karma may Bhagwan shower you abundance of Prema.

Duty compels me, to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Tamil School Board, for a permanent display of Baba's photograph in the mandir.

Two miraculous photographs captured during the seva, natural energies of our universe, convergence of undiluted Love.
Miracle photographs capture NOKIA E-52.

Sathya SAI is omnipresent !


Photograph Insert:

Miraculous Aura -- Energy fields of Love

Enlarge the second miracle photograph right hand corner of the umbrella, Sai can be viewed clearly granting Darshan closing prayer.